Tomoya Nishira(西良 朋也)
MA & BA Social Sciences (Urban & Transnational Sociology, Gender Studies, and Social Anthropology), Hitotsubashi University, 2021 (4+1 MA)
(Honors: Top 5% GPA of Graduating Class; Global Leaders Program Inaugural Class)
Diversity and Social Justice Studies, Gender and Sexuality, Transnationalism, Christian Evangelism, Secularity, Culture Wars, Higher Education, Morality, United States
My research interests broadly lie around the social situation today that could be called "the age of diversity": How could we ever conceptualize it? How is it "enacted," experienced, and contested? Given its de-facto transnational influence and universalizing force in the enactment of the age of diversity, I see higher education and research institutes in the US as privileged starting points of this ethnography of diversity.
BA/MA dissertation: "Managing an 'International Dormitory' in the 'Age of Diversity' in Japan: A Critical Reflection on Diversity Studies" (Abbreviated Translation)
Selected Media Appearances
Tedx Talk “Violence in International Exchange” 2020 (Video)
HItotsubasi Univ. LGBTQ+ Bridge Network "Hitotsubashi Outing Incident: Our Voices 2020 (Memorial Video)" 2020 (Video)
Maxine Platzer Lynn Women's Center at The University of Virginia “Spotlight” 2018
The Japanese Trade Union Confederation "Reading the Results of the 'Social Movement Survey on Generation Z's Views on Social Change'" 2022
Kiyomi Channel (Youtube) “Kiyomi Tsujimoto Meets Young Activists: Sexual Violence and LGBTQ+ Discrimination” 2021
The Ikkyo Shimbun ("The Newspaper of Hitotsubashi University") “It’s Okay to Speak Up: Results of Sexual and SOGI Harassment Survey” 2021
The Tokyo Shimbun ("The Newspaper of Tokyo") “For a University Free from Sexual Violence: Tomoya Nishira” 2020
BuzzFeed “Five Years from a Death of a University Student: University Students Speak Up” 2020
Chabujo “Change Leader Interview: Tomoya Nishira” 2020
Selected Community Involvement
After founding and participating in multiple organizations for diversity and social justice, I am currently working at Japan Alliance for LGBT Legislation as an executive officer.
2021- Executive Officer, Japan Alliance for LGBT Legislation
2021-22 Project Intern, Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Japan, World Economic Forum
2017-21 Resident Assistant (Former Vice President; Founder of Diversity & Safe Space Promotion Team), International Dormitory Association of Kodaira, Hitotsubashi University
2018-19 Multicultural Peer Educator, Multicultural Student Services, UVA
2018-19 Men's Leadership Program Mentor, Maxine Platzer Lynn's Women's Center, UVA
Please see my CV for the details
清美チャンネル (Youtube) 「辻元清美×若者対談「ええかげん変えよう-性暴力・LGBTQ+差別」若者の関心や実態は?」 2021
一橋新聞 「『ハラスメントだと声あげていい』 セクハラ・ソジハラ実態調査の結果公表」2021
東京新聞 「<ひと ゆめ みらい>性暴力ない大学目指す 一橋大「Bridge for All」代表・西良朋也さん(22)」2020
一橋大学LGBTQ+ Bridge Network 「それぞれにとっての一橋アウティング事件2020」2020(ビデオ)
BuzzFeed「「希望に溢れた命を絶つことは…」ある大学生の死から5年。同い年になった後輩が語り続けること」 2020
Tedx Talk 国際交流における暴力2020(英語スピーチ)
ちゃぶ台返し女子アクション 「「一橋大学をすべての学生・教職員が安心して通うことのできる場所へと変えていきたい」 CL・西良朋也さんインタビュー」 2020
2021- LGBT法連合会 事務局次長
2021-22 世界経済フォーラム 世界第四次革命日本センター プロジェクト・インターン
2017-21 一橋大学小平国際学生宿舎 レジデント・アシスタント(多様性・セーファースペース部署を立ち上げ、副代表に就任)
2018-19 Multicultural Peer Educator, Multicultural Student Services, UVA
2018-19 Men's Leadership Program Mentor, Maxine Platzer Lynn's Women's Center, UVA